google-site-verification: google935433b691795853.html KRISTY BERRIDGE: 2020-08-23

Saturday 29 August 2020

I love listening to ...

It’s a bit open-ended, isn’t it? You can love listening to a whole host of things; Your favourite song, the sound of someone else cooking dinner, rain landing on arid earth or the gunfire crack of a bullet aimed directly at your pesky ex.

Whoops, just kidding, but there are so many things that you can enjoy listening to. As humans, we truly are blessed to be open to the sounds of nature, music, conversation and laughter. But, for the purpose of this blog, let’s touch on my favourite sounds so you can get to know a little more about me ... Kristy.

My favourite song to bliss out to would have to be Etta James’s ‘At Last’. Whenever I hear this song, everything is a-okay in the world no matter what. Billy Joel’s ‘Uptown Girl’ has always made me want to mop the floor and Marvin Gaye’s ‘Sexual Healing’ just makes my head bop like a dashboard hula girl.

My favourite way to wake up each day is to hear the sounds of the birds chirping outside our window and hopefully the toilet flushing so I know hubby’s getting up to feed the baby (wishful thinking on my part there). I also love the sound of the kettle boiling, knowing that a hot cup of tea is headed my way.

I love the sound the rain makes as it comes across the mountains and pelts down upon the asphalt outside. I love the sound my hubby makes when he snores and the newborn gurgles from the cot at the end of our bed. I love the sound of my family’s successes and the happy chatter of friends. In fact, it’s becoming glaringly obvious that I enjoy listening to a lot of things and thus I’m grateful that I can.

What do you enjoy listening to?

Kristy 😀