google-site-verification: google935433b691795853.html KRISTY BERRIDGE: Inappropriate Things

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Inappropriate Things

A short but definitely fun blog for you today.

My bestie (Christina) than the restie bought me this fun little gift as I saw it online and laughed ridiculously loud for about ten minutes straight. So you need to know:
1. I love anything vampires.
2. This is so inappropriate that I love it by default.
3. It has nothing to do with anything, but anything that makes you laugh is good for you!

In fact, there is actually a whole host of inappropriate and funny gifts you can find on and I wanted to share this with you because even though I've been browsing through the site, I had no idea it was owned by a friend in NZ! Go figure.

Anyway, so shout out to this company for defying logic, brandishing mugs with naughty words and making me laugh since 2018.

Happy Blogging - Kristy

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