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Sunday, 2 August 2020

How to go from Overwhelmed to Motivated!

How to go from Overwhelmed to motivated? Well, this is a matter true to my heart right now and I implore you to stick with me on this as opposed to dialling child services.

My hubby and I recently had a little boy and although he is the light of our life, joy of the world, beacon of ... yeah, you get my point, right? We love him, but sometimes we debate about putting him in a cardboard box and posting him to Alaska.

I’m kidding of course, but when all he does is sleep through the day and stay up all night, it tends to grate on your sensibilities. So, as you can imagine (since I do the night shift), I can become incredibly overwhelmed at 2am. With little to no sleep in my pocket, looking down into the beady eyes of my wide awake infant forces me to find some sort of motivation not to glue his eyes shut. Yes, we expected this to happen. Babies can’t sleep all the time, right? I mean they have to poop at 4am and wee on your nightgown post shower or spew on you right as you put them down for that seemingly unattainable sleep, but come on ...

Being overwhelmed is part of the job description.

So how do you get motivated?

Well, you may think I might be motivated to push our son under the bed until morning in the hopes I can’t hear him under there, but on the contrary, I consider the ramifications. No, not child abuse allegations (although my headspace undoubtedly deserves it sometimes), but the ramifications of simply not being motivated enough to enjoy this moment of fleetingness. He won’t stay an infant forever. He will soon become a toddler and start sleeping through the night, then a young boy who picks his nose and sniffs his bum. Then of course he’ll be a teenager and I’ll probably want to kill him all over again.

The point is, motivation doesn’t have to be a gimmick or an affirmation to pull you through a task. It can simply be the idea that you’ll miss just one perfect moment amongst the clutter of imperfect ones – the reason I keep my eyes open at 2am ... just in case he smiles.

Kristy šŸ˜Š

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